Police Assistance & Protection Division

Police Protection
This is a Special Division established by Act No.4 of 2015 under the Sri Lanka Police which is known as ‘the Division for Assistance and Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses. A Senior Superintendent of Police functioning under the supervision of a Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police officially appointed to the Board of Management under section 19 (2) of the said Act has been appointed to this Division as an Officer-in-Charge. This Division has commenced its functions from 03 rd November 2016.

This ‘Division’ shall be administered following the regulatory advice of this National Authority. Giving protection to victims of crime and witnesses, making arrangements to investigate on any complaint, charge made or information given with regard to the threats carried out or damages caused against them and their properties, through the said Division with the assistance of a Police Officer are some of the duties of this Division. Necessary programs have to be implemented to make required arrangements to take efficient action based on the guidelines given by this Authority in order to provide assistance and protection to such victims and witnesses.