About Us
Who we are
which caters the needs of the Victims of Crime and Witnesses.
We Protect, Promote and Enforce the Rights of the Victims of a Crime and Witnesses. With the noble concerns of creating a peaceful and equitable world, we hope to deliver our service to the best of our ability.
Established in 18th May 2016, under the assistance and protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses Act No.4 2015, The National Authority for the protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses (NAPVCW) is an institution which protects, promotes and enforces the rights of Victims of Crime and Witnesses.
The Authority is located at No. 428/ 11A, first floor of building complex in Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Baththaramulla. In collaboration with UNDP, UNICEF and Transparency International, NAPVCW serves for the best interest of the victims of crime and witnesses.

Our Vision
A Sri Lanka towards Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses
Our Mission
Uphold and Enforce the Rights and Entitlements of Victims of Crime and Witnesses, and Promote, Protect, Enforce and Exercise such Rights and Entitlements
Organization Structure
The Staff of National Authority for the Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses, by the Management Services Department.

Our Divisions
Following are the major divisions in our society. Each section has its own duties and responsibilities.