Who we are

We are an authority

which caters the needs of the Victims of Crime and Witnesses.

We Protect, Promote and Enforce the Rights of the Victims of a Crime and Witnesses. With the noble concerns of creating a peaceful and equitable world, we hope to deliver our service to the best of our ability.



Our Stakeholders

Are you a victom or a witness of a crime ?

Who is a victim of a crime?

  • A victim is defined as a person who has suffered physical or emotional harm, property damage, or economic loss as a result of a crime
  • You can be a child or an adult
  • You can be someone suffering from a loss or any harm as a result of a mental, physical or economical vise
  • If you are subjected to any disability or weakness as a result of a crime
  • If you are someone who is harmed as a result of assisting a victim or preventing a happening of a crime
  • If you are someone who has a bitter experience because, a member of your family, a friend or a relation is a victim of a crime

Who is a witness of a crime ?

  • You can be someone who has lodged a complaint or has given information in an inquiry or investigation regarding a crime
  • You can be someone who has contributed in an investigation or inquiry by providing information regarding a crime or violation of basic human rights or entitlements
  • You can be someone who has provided an affidavit to assist a person who has lodged a complaint due to suffering from a crime
  • You can be someone who has provided information or any communication to the commission
  • You can be a public officer who has investigated a crime regarding the violation of human rights or fundamental human rights or violation of a rule
  • You can be someone who has received summons from a court or commission in order to present a document, report or something else, in order to testify or make a statement on a judicial or quasi-judicial, in front of a court or commission

You may be a victim of a crime..

You may be a Witness of a Crime..

The moment you feel that you are no more secured, Dial 0112 879 539. We are at your service.


Pathway to contact us



The moment you feel that you are
no more secured, Dial 0112 879 539

Contact Us


Director - Assistance & Protection Division
M-0718592147 T-0112326317 F-0112326321



Find out and contact the nearest police station located in your area

Police Stations

What are the services?

Services offered by the Authority

As a victim you have the right to

  • Be treated with equality, fairness, respect to dignity and privacy
  • Receive prompt, appropriate and fair redress
  • Be proteted from harm including threats, intimidations, reprisals or retaliations
  • Recieve medical treatment for mental and physical harm
  • Be informed of existing legal remedies, progress of investigations and available assistance
  • Lodge a complaint and have it investigated
  • Obtain legal representation in investigations, inquiries and proceedings in judicial, quasi-judicial or any tribunal
  • Obtain certified copies of reports e.g. Government Analysts Reports
  • Receive any assistance and information to participate in judicial, quasi-judicial or any tribunal proceedings

You are entitled to

  • Receive sum of money in consideration of your expenses incurred as a result of the offence committed and your particiaption in proceedings before a court or a commission
  • Claim and obtain any required medical treatment from state, where resources are available
  • Apply to the National Authority for the Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses for financial assistance to obtain required medical treatment in the absence or lack of necessary resources in state

As a witness you are entitled to

  • Fair and respectful treatment, ensuring dignity and privacy throughout judicial, quasi-judicial or any tribunal proceedings
  • Be protected from any harm, threat, intimidation, reprisal or retaliation
  • Safety to yourself and your proprty
  • Temporary accomodatiohn
  • Permanent re-location
  • Temporary or permanent employment
  • Re-identification
  • Any other necessary measure

Protection measures may be provided

  • During or after the criminal investigation
  • Before, during or after the investigations by Commission
  • Before, during or after judicial proceedings
  • National Authority for the Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses
  • Victim and Witnesses Assistance and Protection Division of Sri Lanka Police Department
  • The commision to investigate Allegations of bribery and Corruption(CIABOC), Human Rights Commission, a Commission of Inquiry or a Special Presidentail Commission of Inquiry
  • An officer in charge of any police station
  • Court, before which the relevant case will be taken, are ongoing or have been concluded

Yes, if you are a victim, you can request interim compensation from the National Authority for the Protection of Victims of Crime and Witnesses

  • For any physical or mental injury, loss or damage to property and
  • Money needed to obtain medical treatment, rehabilitation or counselling services

Every High Court or Magistrate Court can order a convicted person to pay compensatioin to the victim not exceeding Rs. 1 million



Our Programmes

Awareness Programme for Students and Public concurrently with the Exhibition of Welusumana Maha Vidyalaya, Thamannawa

11th & 13th October 2019

Awareness Programme for Journalists and Heads of Media Institutions in collaboration with the Ministry of Mass Media

09th January 2020

An awareness and sensitization programmes for the senior Police Officers of Western Province

17th March 2021


We are colloborated with

The Government of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)

UNICEF(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund)Sri Lanka

Transparency International Sri Lanka